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Company Profile


Global pioneer of polyester industrial fibers

古纤道创立于2003年6月,注册资金7.8亿元,公司总占地面积约1000亩,已建成建筑面积40多万平方米,拥有员工达2000余人, 是集改性聚酯切片、差别化涤纶工业长丝研发、生产、销售于一体的国家高新技术企业。我司拥有聚酯产能120万吨、 差别化涤纶工业长丝产能69万吨。公司多次荣获“中国制造企业500强”、“中国民营企业制造业500强”、“浙江省制造业百强企业”。

古纤道具有健全的管理管理制度,坚持“科技领先、人才先行”的经营理念,把企业管理落实在基层、落实到每个员工, 从原材料进厂到产成品出厂层层把关、严格控制,公司已通过ISO9001质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系、QHSAA18001职业健康安全管理体系的认证。



enterprise culture

Our Mission:Always take innovation as the core, understand the needs of various fields of society, and constantly develop new technologies and new products.

Business thinking:We adhere to independent research and development and innovation, invest heavily in the early research, and prioritize innovation.

Code of conduct:We refuse to be rigid in concept and solidify in thinking. We dare to do it in research and development and in production, and innovation is the first step.



The company has always adhered to scientific and technological innovation and development, and constantly enhance the core competitiveness. Since 2009, nearly 200 million yuan has been invested in the research and development of liquid-phase tackifying melt direct-spun polyester industrial yarn production technology. In 2010, the technology has been successful and industrialized in new projects, greatly reducing production energy consumption and carbon emissions.
COPYRIGHT © 2019 浙江古纤道绿色纤维有限公司 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 浙ICP备13000143号